Welcome to the NATS Blog! We have content from NATS Maintainers, end-users, and community contributors. We always appreciate outside contributions so if you would like to contribute a blog post, see our Contributor's Guide for more information.

NATS: A Central Nervous System for IoT Messaging

BRIAN FLANNERY — May 9, 2016

The Linux Foundation’s OpenIoT Summit was held in San Diego in April, and for those of you who attended and maybe went home with some swag, you’ll remember the NATS team had a booth. What you may not remember a month later are the details of Larry McQueary’s overview of NATS at one of the speaking sessions . As a refresher, the recording of the talk is now available for viewing on YouTube. Read more...

Using the NATS Connector Framework

COLIN SULLIVAN — April 29, 2016

NATS is outstanding at moving data between endpoints - but what kinds of endpoints? You may have legacy applications that use some proprietary data sources, or perhaps you are migrating from another messaging technology onto NATS. For cases like these, you’ll want to take advantage of the NATS Connector Framework . The NATS Connector Framework The NATS Connector Framework provides a foundation to build a connector - an application that moves data into and out of NATS. Read more...

Guest Post: REST to NATS Proxy

RADOMÍR SOHLICH — April 23, 2016

The REST to NATS proxy project sohlich/nats-proxy is the micro framework that provides a bridge between HTTP and NATS. To introduce the problem, we first compare the HTTP and NATS communication models. The table below represents the matching of HTTP and NATS concepts and what do they provide. HTTP NATS Request/Response Request/Reply synchronous communication Websocket Publish/Subscribe real-time asynchronous communication As you can see, the NATS provides both synchronous and asynchronous communication between clients. Read more...

Guest Post: NATS and IoT helping to meet Civic needs: An Example Project: Ripple

JASON ROTELLA — April 15, 2016

In the context of a submittal to the Samsung Maker’s Against Drought Challenge (more on that here ) extended hackathon, my team has developed a partial solution to the very serious California drought crisis. I say partial since this problem is so vast that many solutions are required to operate collaboratively to fully solve it. The solution utilizes physical water system monitoring and control with Samsung ARTIK 10 IoT modules, and a Particle Photon module running the arduino-nats NATS client. Read more...

Guest Post: Micro on NATS - Microservices with Messaging

ASIM ASLAM — April 11, 2016

In this post we’re going to discuss using Micro on NATS . It includes discussion around service discovery, synchronous and asynchronous communication for microservices. If you would like to learn more about Micro first, check out the blog post detailing the toolkit here. Let’s get down to business. What is NATS? NATS is an open source cloud native messaging system or more simply a message bus. NATS was created by Derek Collison, the founder of Apcera. Read more...

NATS and Tracing: Keeping track of requests

DONAL BYRNE — March 22, 2016

At Sendify we’ve been using nats as a simple and effective means of communicating between our backend services. I came across Nats a few years ago when building a relatively small microservice backed system and it worked wonderfully. With that experience, I introduced it to Sendify this year as the main nervous system for inter-service communication. Our system is mainly processing api requests to various freight carriers based on user searches though we’re also building integration for public api access as well. Read more...

NATS Service Gateway

JAIME PIÑA — March 16, 2016

A few weeks ago, the Apcera Platform gained a new service gateway. The new NATS service gateway will allow Apcera Platform users to quickly give their apps a NATS server - without sacrificing security or reliability. In this post, we’re going to demonstrate a simple server that broadcasts data to some clients over NATS. As a distributed messaging system, NATS is lightweight, high performance, and secure - making it ideal for modern architectures. Read more...

Time for another great NATS Meetup

BRIAN FLANNERY — March 2, 2016

Hello everyone. It’s been a great start to 2016, and we didn’t want to go too long without hosting another NATS meetup. Now that we are well past the holiday hangover, and into the conference and event season, before things get too busy we wanted to invite everyone out to our offices in the heart of San Francisco at 140 New Montgomery Street. On March 22nd, we will be hosting a NATS Meetup (RSVP here if you can make it! Read more...

Nats-top v0.2.0 Release is now Available

WALLY QUEVEDO — February 24, 2016

As some of you may have noted, last week a new version of the nats-top monitor for NATS has been made available for download on Github: If you’re looking for a bit more information about nats-top, my talk last fall at a NATS meetup on nats-top is here: As nats-top is a top like monitoring tool, so developers who prefer terminal tools such as this will be very comfortable with it. Read more...

Event Enabling the Internet of Things using AWS Lambda, NATS and Apcera

DEAN SHEEHAN — February 10, 2016

Recently I decided to see how easy it would be to create an [AWS Lambda] ( equivalent within the [Apcera] ( trusted cloud platform and use [NATS] ( as an event source for triggering function invocations. This blog entry gives an outline of AWS Lambda, the approach I took to get a first implementation up and running and offers up some thoughts on possible futures. What is AWS Lambda? AWS Lambda (λ) is computation without computers, or at least without the explicit notion of computer machines, virtual or physical hosts; in many ways, the ultimate evolution of Platform As A Service and Microservice architectures. Read more...